Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wah, it's out!!!

I didn't remember that this month's issue already came out!  Well, then again, that's because I haven't received scans for it or anything...and then I didn't get my usual monthly email where Petit informs me that a new issue has just been released.

Anyways, click here if you want the wallpaper too!  The only thing I'm picky about with Enjouji Maki's works is that...there's ALWAYS a Hokuto-looking like character inside.  Actually, I'm not sure I want to call it Hokuto-looking, since he appears in virtually all of her previous works too.  I know she can draw, and draw well at that!  Can't she please draw us a new character?  Hokuto looks handsome, sure, but...iono, it would be more refreshing.

Edit: Just read on bxsmanga that Minchi needs help with the Petit subscription.  Apparently the shipping is really expensive and she has only been able to raise money that's equivalent to 20% of the total cost.  So if anyone can help out, or if anyone already subscribes to the magazine, please contact her on bxsmanga.  Technically I don't subscribe and the issue comes out the about one month after where I live (so October issue comes out in October and not in September), so I'm not of much help...


  1. Please don't let it be an incest manga! ^^;; Ahh, I wish I could help, if only I had a scanner! I tend to subscribe rather flippantly to various manga magazines and I wouldn't mind subscribing to Petit, but damn it, I don't have a scanner! :(

    1. Ah, I wouldn't want to impose on you to subscribe to Petit just because of that one series if you don't already read the magazine. But pictures are ok too! With a camera, that is. We're not giving the scans to anyone to clean or scanlate (at least not to my knowledge for everything we've done so far), so as long as you can send me the original-sized pictures taken with a camera and I can zoom in on windows viewer, it'll be fine. But anyways, I'll go check my bookstore to ask when they will have the issue in hand just in case tomorrow.

    2. Well Petit has always been on my 'to buy' list, since I'm always curious when it comes to checking out new manga mags to see if there's anything I can sink my teeth into. xD But that's true, since you're not scanning it should be okay to take photos. Unfortunately I can only afford to pay for SAL shipping (because EMS is a killer!), so it would mean a 2-3 week wait? Not sure if that's any better than your bookstore. ^^;;

    3. Actually no worries anymore! Minchi says she has it sorted out~~
