Thursday, June 7, 2012

This month's cover and other rambling there a wedding in the last chapter?  Judging from the cover of this month's magazine on the left...and the monthly wallpaper available for download below, it seems highly likely!  I can't wait to read it!  Also, it seems that we'll be deprived of Enjouji-sensei's work until the October issue after Hapi Mari.  I wish she would do the side stories that other authors do for those small comics that comes attached with the magazine.  Sometimes I wonder if it's because she's such a big author that she can skip the short stories for the special furoku.  I remember buying the magazine just for her series...which seems kind of expensive (since Kinokuniya does mark up the magazine quite a bit over here).  I do flip through the other serializations, but the art doesn't really catch my eye.  Of course, art isn't everything, and sometimes the story is just so damn good that I read on anyways (ex. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, which is BL btw).  But mostly I'm just a sucker for pretty pictures.  This month's cover looks so pretty, I may just buy the magazine even if I've already read it by the time it comes out here.
I apologize for the dearth of novel updates, something I hope to get to soon once the job-search craze is over.  But like always, I'll make a timely update for the last summary once I receive it.  Also, does anyone have good series to recommend?  Or just books in general?  I've read People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks lately, and it was amazing.  I bought it for a trip a while ago overseas to occupy myself during the plane ride...but since I brought like 7 books with me that time, I never got around to reading it.  I totally recommend this one though.  The writing is tight and concise, and the story is just magical.  It took me a while to get into it though.  I almost wanted to stop reading after the book suddenly switched stories (so it wasn't focusing on the main character anymore).  But I'm glad I didn't...and each successive story was more beautiful.  I took a look into Caleb's Crossing on Amazon...but I guess I'm still not ready for reading fiction that takes place in historic America.  American history has never really appealed to me for some reason, and the stories set in some period of it even less so.


  1. Ahhh, the cover looks so pretty! And awww, I can't believe Hapi Mari is ending already. :((( Infinitely sad over the whole ordeal! It was such a good series. ><! Now where am I going to get my fill of decent smut? D: October seems so far away!! I also really hope someone licenses Hapi Mari, it deserves to get more recognition across the world! X3

    Ahh, as for books, well I'm not sure what you like but maybe you'll like The Book Thief ( )? It's sort of YA, but it's soooo good! One of the most touching books ever; I don't think I've ever been moved THAT much by a book before. <33

    Ohh, and as for manga series, since you like Hunger Games, I suggest 7 Seeds ( )! :D A tight, gripping storyline and amazing character treatment (even though there's heaps of characters, it's so hard not to love them or at least sympathise with their cause/predicament!). I also know a lot of 7 Seeds fans who adore the Hunger Game series. Just saying. :3

  2. Awesome!!!!!! I will miss this manga, because Hokuto is the best husband . I recommend you to read The Mechanic of the hearth, I read it on Spanish. It´s a short imagic novel

    See ya,


  3. The cover of the magazine and the wallpaper are beautiful, I am full of joy and sadness at the same time, joy to see the end of Hapi Mari and sadness because it ends.
    Sorry to bother you, because you're too busy in search of work, but I read in these pages something about "A picture book" of Hapi Mari.

    Is it right?, Please could you tell me what it says?, I do not know anything about Japanese.
    Good luck with the job, thank you very much and very affectionate greeting.

    1. Thank you. I just looked at the photos, and no it's not a picture book. It's a special attachment to the July issue of a wedding magazine called Zexy (Zekushe or ゼクシェ). Inside the attachment are some original drawings and short strips of comics, and judging by the title, maybe a checklist of things to do before a wedding?

      It makes me want to get it! Lol, I think I'm going tomorrow to the bookstore just to see if they have the wedding magazine.
