I would like to thank you all for being such supportive and patient readers and visiting here at all. I completely lost it the other day because...well, some bad things happened, but now it's been fixed. I know that the majority of you are not like that. Anyways, I just wanted to ask a favor. I've realized that a lot of you comment as Anonymous, and I know that it's your choice. But could you put a name/nickname next time you comment (you don't have to put in an url)? I just want to get to know who my regular visitors are, and it helps me to reply better too...since anonymous 1 and anonymous 2 may be very well the same person. I know it's troublesome to sign into one account or another when I want to comment on someone else's blog too, which is why I've left my commenting options the most open. Anyways, I would like to thank you once more again and I think you can expect to see the next update early next week.